083 0251336

Experience Adullam Church
Join us online or in person from the 17th of October, every Sunday at 11am.
Cant wait to see you all!

Who We Are
Adullam Church is a group of contemporary Christians who love the Lord Jesus Christ and express that love in lively praise and worship, Biblical teaching and caring relationships. We are an Evangelical church that serves in the D6W area in Dublin, Ireland. We have a vision to reach our area with the good news about Jesus Christ.
Adullam Church is part of the Plumbline Ireland Family of Churches and Ministries. A Member of Evangelical Alliance Ireland.
Plumbline Ministries Ireland
CRN 20154639

In 2019, God put it on Pastor Stephen and his wife Margarets hearts to plant a church in Dublin 6 West, just prior to the Coronavirus outbreak.
The name of the church was taken from the First book of Samuel. A moment came when David was on the run from Saul that he left Gath and escaped to the Cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father's household heard about that, they went down to him there. Also all who were in distress, in debt or discontented, gathered around him, about 400 men altogether, and David became their commander
Why the name?
1 Samuel 22:1-2 NIV

Pastor Stephen's Story RTÉ
Contact Adullam Church
Harold's Cross National School
Clareville Road
Harold's Cross
Dublin 6W
D6W FR66
083 0251336